Monday 14 September 2009

date rape

I feel violated, some fucker spiked my drink on Saturday and I am still vomming in my mouth. Luckily nothing too bad happened.. or so I'm told. I don't have any memory.. complete black out. If I ever find out what cunt spiked me I will remove their balls from their fucking body. I'm still really angry and also a little delirious.. first swine flu then this.. my body will soon just give up on me and I will cease to exist. I also was sick on 3 of my friends.. classy. I'm guessing everyone saw my pants too when i was apparently passed out in a shop doorway. If I happened to see you on Saturday night it certainly wasn't me speaking to you, my body was possessed. I just count myself lucky that the only thing damaged is my dignity. I feel mortified.

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